Not currently open for bookings. Practitioners please read on

Attention - We are currently unable to accept patient bookings until further notice. 

But it doesn't have to be this way. Most pain can be treated with physiotherapy, pilates or massage therapy (or a combination of the three). It just has to be done right.

Our local practitioners are fully qualified physiotherapists. They specialise in injury rehabilitation and the effective treatment of sub-acute and chronic pain conditions through physiotherapy and massage. If you're searching for a local GP click here. If you're looking for complimentary pain management treatments like hypnotherapy or counselling consider Bayside Psychotherapy Highett Melbourne.

Whether it's a recent injury, a condition like sciatica, or just unexplained back pain, it is very possible you can get long-term relief from Brighton Bay & Bentleigh Physiotherapy. 

Find out how you can achieve long-term relief from your pain. Call Brighton Bay & Bentleigh Physiotherapy now on 03 8506 0451 (Melbourne) to enquire or make a booking.

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Last Updated - June 1, 2022

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Why people choose us:

  • Holistic treatment

    Also consider mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy, hypnotherapy & counselling

  • No long waits

    Your physio appointments will be on time

  • Long term pain relief

    Genuine injury rehab and pain relief... No gimmicks

  • Local convenience

    Easy to access Bentleigh Melbourne location

  • Comfortable

    Friendly, respectful, professional and informative physiotherapists

  • Easy Payment Options

    AMEX, VISA, MasterCard, EFTPOS or cash

  • Claim Instantly

    HICAPS for your private health fund rebate on the spot

  • No Interruptions

    We treat one person at a time

  • Read more about these reasons